Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea is an American Saddlebred.  Her real name is Annies Mimosa ...She is 8 going on 9 and scared of everything (even her own shadow) unless she is in chase under saddle.

Sweet Pea was an incredible gift to me from my beloved husband.  We had been married one year, I had lost my job, he had moved me from a city I loved, stuck me in another small town, and expected me to just love it!

Sweet Pea was the only thing that helped me to survive moving from a museum filled city, with life buzzing, people at a fast pace and never seeing the same thing twice too a small town slow atmosphere where people were more green than I knew existed, and didn't need an outsider in their back yard.  I understood the feeling ( I grew up with it) but being on the dirty end of the stick... I knew it was going to suck!   And it did for YEARS!

Sweet Pea has only recently come out of her shell, she if finally turning into a horse I can ride.  She has a bad back, right hip, and her mind is never settled.  She takes an advanced rider and even then, most would just put her down.  She is not something I could ever give away, she is too dangerous.  I sit here typing with a knot in (blue and purple) my right butt cheek, as she kicked the snot out of me not long ago.

I do enjoy her, and people who are NOT real horse people think she is beautiful, and from a distance she is.  But like anything else you see the flaws the closer you get.  Scars on her back legs from a previous owner, I have no idea how they happened but they are not nice.  LONG back, will end up as a sway back in later years if I am not careful.   But with all her flaws she is my most sound horse health wise.  I only have to keep one eye on her, while the other... I can't blink!

One major positive factor about Sweet Pea is she LOVES KIDS.  She will hug almost any kid with her head.  She loves little Lily in this photo, and enjoys Grace as well.

She is a serious protector!  She loves to protect Navarre, of course it is a love hate relationship as she also causes him much pain... much of the time.

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