Friday, December 16, 2011

Been a little under the weather.

I've been dragging!~ as if my family didn't expect it.
I've been very tired , but who isn't ?
I rarely get a good nights sleep, hormones (I am that age... or so the dr's tell me) and a husband that... well snores.  anything and everything bothers me now as where I used to sleep through a storm.

I work three jobs.
I'm packing, prepping everything for this ride and as my boss put it! I suppose I hit a wall.

went to the walk in yesterday.
the sent me to the ER ..
so ... two bags later I was feeling a little better.
low blood pressure.
low blood sugars...

but I'm back!

I packed up my clothes for the trip, and had plenty of room for the horses emergency blankets, one rain coat and one fleece blanket. Not sure if either will need it but I can't be out and not be prepared.

I'm getting more and more settled with the supplies and almost done.
This too I will take more photos this weekend, I'm just not home till after dark and leave before sun up! as I am sure most of us do this time of year.

Much love to the world...

oh yeah... a positive... as of today, all the days get a little longer minute by minute... it will all start to add up!

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